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Important Dates


Submission: July 1, 2018
Notification: August 14, 2018
Camera ready: August 28, 2018


This new track replaces (together with the emerging results track) our previous "short papers" track and features visionary papers.


Vision Papers
The emphasis of this track will be on long term challenges and opportunities in empirical software engineering research that are outside of current mainstream topics of the field. Unlike full paper submissions, vision papers should not consider incremental improvements or evaluations of current practices but propose imaginative ways to extend the applicability of techniques in empirical software engineering and/or challenge the existing explicit or implicit assumptions in this field. The goal of vision papers is to describe how empirical software engineering research and practice will look at least ten years from now. Submissions to this track are limited to 4 pages and must be submitted through via EasyChair by selecting the track "Vision Papers".


© 2018 by Esem

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