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Important Dates

(All dates end of day, anywhere on earth)


Full Research Papers
Abstract*: May 18, 2018

Full paper: May 25, 2018
Notification: July 6, 2018
Camera ready: July 27, 2018


Emerging Results and Vision Papers

Submission: July 1, 2018
Notification: August 14, 2018
Camera ready: August 28, 2018


Industrial Papers and Posters

Submission: July 20, 2018
Grace period for submissions: July 23

Notification: August 14, 2018

Camera ready: August 28, 2018


Journal-First Submissions

Submission: August 10, 2018

Notification: August 31, 2018


*Precondition for full paper submission

The ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software  Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) is the premier conference for  presenting research results related to empirical software  engineering. ESEM provides a stimulating forum where researchers  and practitioners can present and discuss recent research results on  a wide range of topics, in addition to exchanging ideas, experiences  and challenging problems.


The 12th edition of ESEM will be held in Oulu, Finland, from October  11th to 12th, 2018 as part of the Empirical Software Engineering  International Week with several co-located events including


         • Annual ISERN Meeting (October 8th to 9th) 

         • MeGSuS Workshop (October 9th) 

         • Doctoral Symposium IDoESE (October 10th) 

         • Advanced School IASESE (October 10th)

         • ESEM Industry Day (October 10th)   

         • PROMISE Conference (October 10th)

         • Industry Day (October 10th) 

         • EMSE Summer School (October 8th to 11th)



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