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Important Dates


Submission Deadline: July 12, 2018
Notification: July 20, 2018

Workshop: October 9, 2018
Camera ready (up to 8 pages): November 25, 2018


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With the recent proliferation of wearable devices and mobile applications, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is increasing its impact on the environment due to its resource and power consumption. However, ICTs can make also a significant contribution to saving energy, by autonomous optimization efforts and by inducing changes of user behavior attitudes and values.

A variety of research work on Green and Sustainability ICT has focused on measuring the level of greenness of hardware components from an environmental perspective. In the last years, there has been an increasing interest in having clear metrics for measuring the carbon footprint of software, the amount of resources used by software, and how it affects the environmental impact of ICT. However, measuring software sustainability is a challenging task, due to the complexity of its direct and indirect effects on the environment and dependencies among sustainability aspects. More empirical evidence on the performance, reliability and usefulness of the proposed metrics is required.

The workshop MeGSuS’18 aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners i) to discuss their current work on measurement practices for greening and making more sustainable software systems ii) to present empirical studies on metrics used to design sustainable software systems from different domains  (e.g. smart transportation, healthcare, education) and assess/predict the greenness in the ICT industry (e.g. data centers, embedded system software)  iii) to identify the main challenges and define a research agenda on the topic of Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software.



Keynote I: Conceptual modeling of goals and metrics to visualize the measurement of sustainability

Speaker: Dr. Birgit Penzenstadler


Abstract: This keynote first presents a couple of approaches from past and current work in visualizing and breaking down high-level sustainability goals into measurable goals and how to relate them to indicators and metrics, from both the field of software engineering as well as sustainable development. Then we will take a dive into other models that have been used to structure and visualize the relation from high-level goals and all the way down to detailed metrics and sketch out a few opportunities to make increased use of those in a research agenda for MegSuS.


BIRGIT PENZENSTADLER is an assistant professor of software engineering at California State University, Long Beach. Her research centers on software engineering for sustainability and resilience; her interests are requirements engineering and infusing sustainability into education.
Penzenstadler received a habilitation from the Technical University of Munich’s Faculty of Informatics. She’s a member of IEEE. Contact her at




Keynote II: Persuasive systems design for sustainability

Speaker: Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, PhD


Abstract: A growing number of software, systems and services are being developed to influence users’ attitudes and behaviors in areas such as fostering health and promoting sustainability. This presentation will introduce conceptual frameworks for researching, designing, and evaluating such systems, known as the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model and the Behavior Change Support System (BCSS) framework. The PSD describes the process for persuasive systems development and it explains what kind of software functionality may be implemented in the system. The model helps select effective persuasive features, and categorizes them into primary task, computer-human dialogue, system credibility, and social influence. It also highlights fundamentals behind any such system and ways to analyze contexts for persuasion.

The PSD model and BCSS framework can be applied for a wide variety of purposes, including design and development of full-fledged software systems, experimental technologies and lighter applications, carrying out intervention outcome and user experience research, carrying out literature reviews and systematic evaluations of applications, as well as actual software programming. We claim that the topics addressed in this presentation will play a centermost role in most of software design in future and they will become relevant for all software business. Results from a variety of research projects utilizing the PSD model and the BCSS framework will be presented.

HARRI OINAS-KUKKONEN is Dean of Graduate School and Professor of information systems in the University of Oulu, Finland. His main research interests include user behaviors, persuasive systems design, social influence, behavior change, and humanized technologies. His research has been published in major scientific information systems, computer science, software engineering, human-computer interaction, and health and medical informatics.




MeGSuS’18 seeks contributions addressing, but not limited to, the following topics:


  • Reusing existing measures to extract software "greenness" information

  • Relationships between traditional software metrics and sustainability metrics

  • Sustainable behavior change measurement

  • Measurement to support green decision making

  • Tools for automatic collection/analysis of measures for green and sustainability of software systems

  • Using indicators to visualize software sustainability levels

  • Theoretical and empirical validation of green metrics and measurement methods

  • Design of empirical studies on the effectiveness and usefulness of sustainability metrics

  • Design of empirical studies on the trade-offs between sustainability and traditional software qualities

  • Measurement practices in Green and Sustainability IT



Submission instructions


Submitted articles should be in PDF format, 2 pages for extended abstracts, tool demo description, and vision papers.
The author can find some example templates and additional writing guidelines at  

All contributions will be reviewed and evaluated based on 

  • their ability to generate discussion, and

  • relevance to the workshop.      


The submission and review process will be performed through EasyChair:       


Accepted contributions will be published in the CEUR-workshop post-proceedings and indexed in DBLP.


PC members


  • Achim Guldner, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany

  • Alain Abran, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure ETS - Université du Québec, Canada

  • Andreas Fritsch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  • Colin Venters, University of Huddersfield, UK

  • Coral Calero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha     

  • Giuseppe Procaccianti, Vandebron B.V., The Netherlands

  • Isabel Brito, Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal

  • Ivano Malavolta, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Jérôme Rocheteau, ICAM, France

  • Luigi Buglione, Engineering.IT / ETS

  • Manuel F. Bertoa, University of Malaga, Spain

  • Ma Ángeles Moraga, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

  • Nour Ali, Brunel University London

  • Patricia Lago, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Rami Bahsoon, School of Computer Sc, University of Birmingham

  • Sandro Morasca, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy

  • Sedef Akinli Kocak, Ryerson University, Canada

  • Stefan Naumann, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

  • Xavier Franch, Technical University of Catalunya, Spain


Workshop Chairs


  • Alessandra Bagnato, SOFTEAM, France

  • Eva Kern, Leuphana University & Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Germany

  • Nelly Condori-Fernandez, UDC/ VU, Spain/Netherlands




Dr. Birgit Penzenstadler

Assistant Professor at the California State University Long Beach where she leads the Resilience Lab. She has researched the relation between sustainability and software engineering for a decade.

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Dr. Birgit Penzenstadler

Assistant Professor at the California State University Long Beach where she leads the Resilience Lab. She has researched the relation between sustainability and software engineering for a decade.

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